Korea: First Impressions

This is going to be super short as I’m totally jet lagged. I arrived into Incheon (Seoul) International airport around 4pm and was promptly met by a rep from my school who put me into a taxi and off I went to Paju.

It was all a bit strange as neither the rep nor the taxi man had a word of English. The journey took about an hour and was eye-opening. From endless sky-scapers and the 20km long Incheon bridge we headed into rural korea, mountains and green rice fields. I was dropped off at the school where I will be teaching. First impressions…its really small but immacualte…state of the art classrooms, beautifully decoarated and full of resources.

The head supervisor (who owns the school and is my boss) , the principal (his wife!), one other assistant and I all headed out for traditional Korean food..which if you didn’t already know, is super spicy. We all sat on these cushions on the ground and the waitress seemed to bring out ENDLESS dishes from seaweed to peppers to crabs to jellyfish(!!!), spicy cabbage, and the main dish which was cooked at the table on hot coals was marinated pork. It was delicious!

Traditional Korean dishes

Just when I thought we were done the next course arrived, chewy green noodles in a bowl full of ice. My boss was explaining its all to do with ying and yang..the balancing of hot and cold and different foods have a different energy. It was all very interesting but I was just too tired to take it all in!

I’m now in my hotel/motel which is bizarre. It has everything I could ever need from a computer, a HUGE flat screen tv, hairdryer, accessories. a phone, freshly filtered drinking water but…no wardrobe?!

I have to get up early for school tomorrow so bid you goodnight.

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